Hey there, I'm Kostas!
Your friendly neighborhood programmer & data scientist

I love Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence !

Web Dev is insanely cool

Sometimes I play with IoT and mini-computers.

I like International Relations, European Affairs, and Economics

I love Data Science, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence !
I'm occasionally working as a freelancer (Upwork profile) and now I'm also attending the MSc in Data Science from the International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece to solidify my experience with proper theoretical foundations.

Web Dev is insanely cool
I develop a lot. Be it with Flask, Django, Dash for the backend, or with JavaScript, jQuery, React for the frontend, Bootstrap, Materialize, jQueryUI for the pretty colors... I love 'em all!

Sometimes I play with IoT and mini-computers.
Anything can be done, but home automation is the coolest! Your imagination is the limit ;)

I also like International Relations and Economics
I got my BA in International and European Studies from the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. I particularly love Economics & Econometrics, Simulations, and Strategic Studies.
insert_chart EDA Miner
school Machine Learning ProjectsMachine Learning Projects is a collection of open-sourced projects, implementations of Deep Learning papers, seminars, and articles.
search Web ScrapingWeb-Scraping is a collection of scripts and web crawlers (aka spiders) that use requests, BeautifulSoup, scrapy, and/or selenium to gather data from the web.
code PyScriptsIn PyScripts you can find a few short OpenCV scripts (e.g. calculating dense SIFT descriptors), and GUIs (currently only the Social Media Tracker which allows you to view multiple social media websites inside one window).
home Home automationA Design Ideas sliding-doors wardrobe. Using hand & body movements, with the help of a RaspberryPi to control it, and neural networks for the computer vision part, you can issue commands to the wardrobe and other parts of the house.
visibility Lego piece recognitionLego Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks on a mini-computer (Upwork project).
insert_chart EDA Miner
store UK CoachesCreated a marketplace for coaches and players to find each other, with scheduling, filters, all the cool stuff. It was created with Python & Dash, as a single-page app.
dashboard DashboardsI have created TONS of dashboard. Perhaps the most interesting ones are for visualization of 1) company sales, 2) terrorist attacks, 3) IoT data from micro-controllers.
web This siteWell, duh... But it's cool, isn't it?!
business BrightSight/VeritasIntern-ed for 3 months, and then worked as a Junior Consultant for another 7 in BrightSight/Veritas for business consulting on E.U. matters and International Relations.
work UPGRADE, Consulting & TrainingIntern-ed for 3 months as part of the university's curriculum at UPGRADE. Main tasks were data analyses, writing technical guides, academic writing, and collecting material for presentations.
business International Conference for International BusinessPresented at the UoM-sponsored International Conference for International Business on topics such as KPIs for military performance, games & International Relations simulations, applied political philosophy & ethics.
language Institute of International, Defense & European AnalysesI participated at events of the Institute of International, Defense & European Analyses, including sponsored visits NATO (financial sponsorship: Hellenic National Defense General Staff), to EU countries' parliaments, article writing, debate tournaments, seminars, summer schools.
account_balance Chair UNESCOI volunteered at Chair UNESCO UoM for two 6-month terms. I helped with researching the rights of children in (cross-cultural) education, translated legal texts, and participation in other activities.
insert_chart Small projects
- Using RFID with an Arduino
- Smart mirror with a RaspberryPi & a tablet
web Larger projects
- Design Ideas smart wardrobe
- Computer vision on RaspberryPi

Machine Learning Projectsmore_vert
Machine Learning Projects close

Machine Learning Projects is a repository that houses a collection of open-sourced projects, implementations of Deep Learning papers, seminars, and articles.

Web Scrapingmore_vert
Web Scrapingclose

Web-Scraping is a collection of scripts and web crawlers (aka spiders) that use requests, BeautifulSoup, scrapy, and/or selenium to gather data from the web.

Lego piece recognitionmore_vert
Lego piece recognitionclose

Lego Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks on a mini-computer (Upwork project).

Design Ideas Smart Wardrobemore_vert
Smart wardrobe & smart homeclose
A Design Ideas sliding-doors wardrobe. Using hand & body movements, with the help of a RaspberryPi to control it, and neural networks for the computer vision part, you can issue commands to the wardrobe and other parts of the house.

Marketplace: UK Coachesmore_vert
Marketplace: UK Coachesclose

Created a marketplace for coaches and players to find each other, with scheduling, filters - all the cool stuff. It was created with Python & Dash, as a single-page app.


I have created TONS of dashboard. Perhaps the most interesting ones are for visualization of 1) company sales, 2) terrorist attacks, 3) IoT data from micro-controllers. I've used primarily Dash, and also Django with jQuery.

This sitemore_vert
This siteclose

Well, duh... But it's cool, isn't it?! It is also a huge improvement over the previous version.


Intern-ed for 3 months, and then worked as a Junior Consultant for another 7 in BrightSight/Veritas for business consulting on E.U. matters and International Relations.


Intern-ed for 3 months as part of the university's curriculum. Main tasks were data analyses, writing technical guides, academic writing, and collecting material for presentations.

Sigma Solutionsmore_vert
Sigma Solutionsclose

Contract to conduct a market and competitors' analysis, i.e. researching, tracking, and analyzing information on software for patient and medical data management.

International Conference for International Businessclose

Presented at the UoM-sponsored International Conference for International Business on topics such as KPIs for military performance, games & International Relations simulations, applied political philosophy & ethics.

Institute of International, Defense & European Analysesclose

I participated at events of the Institute of International, Defense & European Analyses, including sponsored visits NATO (financial sponsorship: Hellenic National Defense General Staff), to EU countries' parliaments, article writing, debate tournaments, seminars, summer schools.

Chair UNESCOmore_vert
Chair UNESCOclose

I volunteered at Chair UNESCO UoM for two 6-month terms. I helped with researching the rights of children in (cross-cultural) education, translated legal texts, and participation in other activities.


I've worked a lot on the RaspberryPi, be it small computer vision tasks, using it as a controller, as a mini-server, or anything else. It being just a Linux computer gives it a very familiar feel.


I've also played a bit with the Arduino (Uno). It is an equally fun device and I loved using it as a controller for various switches, motors, and sensors.

Bigger projects: Design Ideasmore_vert
Bigger projects: Design Ideasclose

The wardrobe project with Design Ideas used a lot the RaspberryPi and the Arduino Uno. Among the various uses, RaspberryPi controlled cameras and motors, passed video to the server, and communicated with the Arduino which controlled lights and sensors.
I like to help people learn. I organized a local meetup with university students from various disciples to teach others about their subjects (e.g. science, history, economics). I also present at schools (e.g. E.U. Code Week, seminars, etc). Also helped organize and prepare local & regional school chess championships. Ηelped with Chair UNESCO work, anything from English<->Greek translations of legal documents to research on country compliance to international regulations on human and children rights.
If you're a non-profit, now that I also know programming I can help with more stuff (e.g. website, data analysis & visualization).
Send me a message, I'll make time :) -
I enjoy the occasional game of chess, sketching (for work designs and relaxation), taking long strolls. I also like games, books, and my bicycle.
I'm a big fan of open-source. If you're doing (partially or fully) open-source work, and want to hire me, I'll be more than glad to help and throw in a discount. sentiment_very_satisfied